What Does 'Tusa' By KAROL G And Nicki Minaj Really Mean?

Besides the fact that Bad Bunny and J Balvin also released a song called "La Canción" beforehand, Karol liked the name "Tusa" better. It's certainly catchier, and more specific. According to Billboard, "Tusa" is a Columbian slang word for heartache, mixed with a bit of spite, which lots of people feel after a breakup.

In the song, Karol G sings in Spanish, and in the third person, about a woman who insists she is over a recent breakup. She acts all tough, going out with other men, "Que porqueun hombre le pagó mal (because a guy did her wrong)." But her tough exterior vanishes whenever she hears their song, and instead, she cries and tries to get back together with her ex. Clearly, her going out and having fun hasn't helped her get over this bad guy.

With Nicki Minaj's rap, the character takes a better turn. Minaj speaks in the first person, saying she "cried for nothing, and now I'm a bad girl." She was initially focused on her "J.O.," meaning her job, and realized that the dude was "an epic fail." Now she's with other men and knows that she's too good for the man who wronged her. You go, girl! But Karol G then returns to remind us that when their song is played, she again starts crying. Perhaps it's better to think of Minaj's rap as the empowering part.
