Strange Things About The Beckhams' Marriage

The Beckhams are known for their fashion choices, which have also proved lucrative, like David Beckham's clothing line with H&M. But the two of them have made some risky choices, like matching black leather Versace outfits. But David told H&M magazine in 2012 (via British Vogue) he had "no regrets" about what he once wore, although he does admit he looks back and wonders: "What were we thinking?" When asked about her fashion regrets in 2009, Victoria told Time, "People always say, 'Do you cringe?' And I say, 'Not at all,'" adding that, "Everything I've done in the past has made me what I am now."

Their shared courage in experimenting with clothing, especially for Victoria, has also led to her eponymous fashion line Victoria Beckham, which has — like the designer herself — faced many evolutions over the years. Sales dropped during the COVID-19 pandemic years, for example, and Victoria was forced to rethink her brand. She's also admitted to The Guardian that her preference to wear layers of clothing wasn't necessarily reflective of consumer's preferences. 

"As I've gotten into fashion, the more layers of clothes I have worn," she said. "I've been burying myself under clothes. But in Miami, if you go out at night in a midi length skirt and a pussy-bow blouse, people think you've lost your mind." Confessing that her outfit taste in London doesn't reflect the rest of the world, she added, "But Miami has opened my eyes to the fact that looking feminine and curvy is so important to so many women," she added.
