Does Greyston Holt have any children? What are the names of Greyston Holt's children? What are the ages of Greyston Holt's children?
Greyston Holt Children: 1
How old is Greyston Holt? When is Greyston Holt's birthday? Where is Greyston Holt born? Where did Greyston Holt grow up from? What's Greyston Holt's age?
Greyston Holt Born: 1985 (age 38years), Calgary, Canada
How tall is Greyston Holt in meters or centimeters?
Greyston Holt Height: 6 2
How about Greyston Holt's parents?
Greyston Holt Parents: Mike Stefancsik, Nancy Stefancsik
Does Greyston Holt play guitar?
He was portrayed by Greyston Holt. Glen was an FBI agent, who had a romantic relationship with Betty, which she ended when she returned to Riverdale.
Who played Gavin in the 100?
He was portrayed by Greyston Holt. Glen was an FBI agent, who had a romantic relationship with Betty, which she ended when she returned to Riverdale.
Who plays Zane Gunther?
He was portrayed by Greyston Holt. Glen was an FBI agent, who had a romantic relationship with Betty, which she ended when she returned to Riverdale.
Who plays Glenn in Riverdale?
He was portrayed by Greyston Holt. Glen was an FBI agent, who had a romantic relationship with Betty, which she ended when she returned to Riverdale.