Ann Cusack is an American actress who had minor roles in several movies including Multiplicity, A League of Their Own, The Informant, and more.
How old is Ann Cusack? What is Ann Cusack’s age? What age is Ann Cusack? Ann Cusack is 62 years old.
How tall is Ann Cusack? What is Ann Cusack’s height? Ann Cusack is 1.77 meters tall.
What are some of the popular movies and TV shows by Ann Cusack? What movies and TV shows is Ann Cusack known for? Ann Cusack is known for several movies and TV shows. Some of them include A League of Their Own, Accepted, Multiplicity, Nightcrawler, Grosse Pointe Blank, Black River, Arc, Stigmata, Tank Girl, and more.
What is Ann Cusack’s educational background? Which school did Ann Cusack attend? Where did Ann Cusack attend school? Ann Cusack attended Berklee College of Music.
Who are Ann Cusack’s family? Ann Cusack was born to Dick Cusack and Ann Paula Cusack. She has four siblings; Joan Cusack, John Cusack, Susie Cusack, and Bill Cusack.